+356 21 632623

Apothecary taps and spigots from WineTapSupplies.com

 Absinthe Fountain Tap | Push-Button Tap | Spigot for Glass Jar

Food grade spigots for absinthe fountains, glass bottles and infusion jars for wine, spirits, liquor, beverage, vinegar and edible oil sampling and dispensing.

Small spigots for glass bottles and ceramic dispensers

Small tap for glass absinthe fountain

Metal tap for absinthe fountain and infusion jars


Small push-button tap

Small press button tap in metal for beverage dispensing


We do international shipping to barrel makers, traders, wholesalers and private customers.

Suppliers of tapered barrel taps and winery fittings

Renaissance Arts Company Limited is a Malta, European based company that for the past 20 years has been supplying an ever increasing selection of quality barrel taps and tapered fittings to traders, individuals and corporate customers internationally.

E-mail us at info@winetapsupplies.com and cc to renartscoltd@gmail.com or call us at 00356 21 632623